Terms and Conditions for iMystro

  1. Terms of Use
    1. All intellectual property rights, including copyright in all in content belong to iMystro. By reading the Terms of Use you are agreeing that the content and property of iMystro courses cannot be copied, reproduced, modified, stored, redistributed or exploited commercially in any way without permission from iMystro.
    2. You may download, print off or copy the syllabus outline PDF documents provided with each course.
    3. iMystro may modify the content on the platform, which includes prices, offers and videos at any time.
    4. It is your responsibility to ensure that any course you purchase is suitable to your requirements.
    5. Any breach of these terms may result in a criminal offense being committed.
  2. Course requirements
    1. By purchasing a course at iMystro, you confirm that you meet the requirements of the course based on the indicated description of each course.
    2. iMystro does not accept any liability for any losses, costs or expenses incurred by or on behalf of a candidate in connection with a candidate’s insufficient language ability.
  3. Purchasing a course and prices related
    1. When purchasing a course, the duration of the course is indicated on the website. In case of more than one duration, you need to make sure that you select the duration you want for the course. By selecting the course duration, you agree that you will be granted access to the course for the specific duration selected.
    2. Login details will expire once the duration of the course reach the end date of the course.
    3. Purchasing a course can be made online on our platform www.imystro.com following the payment methods indicated. By paying for a course with iMystro, you confirm that you have read the terms and conditions. You also confirm the accuracy of your personal details.
    4. By selecting any of the payment methods indicated on our platform, you confirm that you are authorized to use the selected payment method. You also agree that the payment processer is authorized to charge you by collecting your payment.
    5. You must make full payment at the time of purchasing a course at iMystro. iMystro does not accept deposit or partial payments or installment payments.
    6. Once iMystro has received your payment for the course, iMystro will send you a login username and password within 24 hours to allow you access to the course.
    7. iMystro may offer free trial subscriptions for a limited period of time. If you subscribe for a trial, the trial shall terminate according to the period of time indicated, and no payments will be required accordingly.
    8. All our prices that are indicated on the platform are correct at the time of purchasing. However, iMystro reserves the right to change our prices at any time. Up-to-date prices and special offers are indicated on our platform and must be checked before any purchase is made.
  4. Changing or cancellation of a purchase
    1. iMystro reserves the right to cancel any purchase at any time in case of suspecting any fraud, or if an unauthorized or illegal transaction is made, or if you provide false contact information.
    2. iMystro reserves the right to cancel your purchase if you violate any of our terms and conditions.
    3. Once you purchase a course at iMystro, you will be deemed to have started the course and you will not be allowed for a refund unless iMystro elects to do so. However, you will be allowed 7 days from the start day of the course during which you can change the start date of this course, or change the course by transferring your payment to another course.
  5. Confidentiality
    1. iMystro confirms the confidentiality of any personal information provided for creating your account at iMystro.
    2. You agree that you will never share access information to your account details with any third party for any reason.
    3. You must notify us immediately via support@imystro.com if you are aware of if you suspect any unauthorized use of your login details.